JCRC Statements, Comments, and Articles

JCFR/JCRC 2021 Advocacy Agenda

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Sharing Our Democracy

(Published in the February 2021 Issue of “The Reflector”)

With our recent inauguration just behind us, and the images and shock that we are left with from January 6th, one phrase among all the speeches and commentary stood out more than any others.  It was a description of something o…

JCFR Statement on Violence at the United States Capitol Building

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond strongly condemns the violence at the United States Capitol Building - an assault on our democracy.
We pray for the safety of our elected officials, law enforcement professionals, and all others who are working to preserve peace and security a…

From the National to the Local

Published in the January 2021 Issue of “The Reflector”

For much of the past year, our focus has been on the national landscape.  The global pandemic and the presidential election, understandably, had us concerned with our national leadership and a crisis that the entire world was facin…

In Search of the Center

As the fall election season approached, the community relations field was focused intently on the idea of “the center.”  This was in response to what has been aptly described as the “polarization” gripping our country, our Richmond community – and most definitely the Jewish commun…