Situation Update
As of October 13th, more than 1,300 Israelis (soldiers and civilians) are confirmed dead, more than 3,400 have been injured, and an estimated 200 Israelis have been kidnapped and taken to Gaza.
Some 360,000 IDF reserves have been called up for duty, and the IDF and security forces are now constantly engaged in protecting the citizens of Israel and maintaining our safety. They have officially launched Operation “Iron Swords,” and we must strengthen and support them.
Daily Update
Fund for Victims of Terror
By end of day today, close to 180 grants will have been distributed.
In total, there are 650 cases that are in process.
eams from the partnerships have gone out to help collect details from their communities.
We have four volunteers who will start working with the local communities.
By Sunday, the FVOT Hotline (* number) will be operational and we will have 20 volunteer operators.
The Homefront Command has appointed officers who will be responsible for the facilities where evacuees from the south are located, representatives from the FVOT will join them.
There are 12 absorption centers in the south with 3,800 olim, and 12 absorption centers in the north with 3,900 olim.
A total of 2,489 olim have been evacuated from the south, to elsewhere in the country.
All locations were olim have been evacuated are operating with assistance from the Homefront Command.
On Sunday, we will hold a situation assessment, and based on the expected security events of the weekend, we will confirm if olim elsewhere in the country (such as Be’er Sheva) need to be evacuated.
We have an agreement with the Association of Youth Hostels to reserve 400 beds in Eilat and 220 beds in Mitzpe Ramon in case we need to evacuate olim from the north.
On Sunday, armed soldiers from the Homefront Command will be stationed at the absorption centers, which will provide significant support to our operations at the centers. We’ve requested that some already arrive as of today
This week, 8 participants arrived in Israel to begin the SELA program (they are currently in Karmiel), other participants are still planning to come, but have asked to postpone their flights.
We are working on finding alternate flights for olim that are scheduled to arrive and have had their flights cancelled; all new olim are being given an information kit to help them on arrival.
We are buying extra dry goods and food in case of emergency, as well as 550 portable phone chargers.
Lone Soldiers
- We are working closely with Wings, our program for lone olim soldiers, and support them.
- We have a joint list with the relevant unit in the IDF and supporting them.
- We are receiving and meeting requests to send social workers to visit lone soldiers that have been wounded, etc.
- There are more than 2,600 residents in the south and more than 2,300 residents in the north and center.
- We urgently need armed guards/soldiers for buildings in Otef Aza, Jerusalem, Lod and Ashkelon.
- Amigour residents in Ashkelon feel very unsafe.
- We have established full teams that will work on Shabbat both in the south and the center, and Erez will visit different Amigour buildings as well.
- We are continuing to delivery food baskets and addressing needs.
- Amigour residents in every building have started to raise funds to purchase food for the soldiers.
- There are 450 participants in Israel Experience programs.
- There are 200 students participating in Machon (Counselor Training Program)
- There are fluctuations in the number of participants because many of the summer semester programs are just now coming to an end (mainly for Americans and Australians)
- Kiryat Moriah will be hosting a “closed Shabbat” for students and participants living on campus – many are Spanish and Portuguese speaking.
- Our partnership teams are working with the evacuees in the different communities.
- Two Project TEN medical missions are starting to return to Israel.
Masa Israel Journey
- Of the 5,700 Masa Fellows who started the program year, approximately 1,000 have left the country in the past week.
- During these days, we’ve provided Zoom meetings for participants and parents.
- Every program has received a briefing for the weekend/Shabbat – and every program has a contact person.
- Many Masa Fellows are participating in volunteer activities – food packages, babysitting, deliveries etc; each activity must be authorized first.
- We continue to help the Fellows who want to make Aliyah.
Shlichut Platform
- Our security teams in Israel, North America and elsewhere in the world in touch with the Shlichim and providing them with support, as needed.
- Many Shlichim in communities around the world and Israel Fellows on college campuses, are reporting increases in anti-Semitism as a result of the fall out of the war.
- Sadly, some of our Shlichim have family members who were killed. We are supporting them as they return home to Israel and providing them with additional support.
Israeli Society
- Youth Villages
- Youth Villages are not operating in their normal framework, unless there are participants who are unable to go home/elsewhere.
- At Hadassah Neurim and Ramat Hadassah, there are 83 participants in Na’aleh.
- More than 200 evacuees have arrived to Nitzana, we anticipate there will be more.
- We are looking into ensuring we have soldiers on sites.
- Mechinot
- There are thousands of Mechinot graduates that are currently serving and/or have been called up in army reserve.
- Each Mechina is in contact with their graduates.
- Sadly, we’ve already started to receive names of fallen soldiers.
Jewish Agency Command Center:
- Volunteers
- So far, more than 400 volunteers have been recruited
- We are working on a volunteer registration form that will be shared with partners and Shlichim
- We are setting up a round table with the Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption
- A small team will be working during Shabbat