

There are many benefits to traveling, from giving you the chance to try new things, meet new people, experience new cultures, and come home revived with a new sense of achievement. The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond is proud to offer many opportunities for travel.




Birthright Israel is a not-for-profit organization (sources of funding are: the government of Israel, Major Donors to Birthright and Jewish Federations from around the United States and the Diaspora) providing the gift an all-expense paid, educational trip to Israel for Jewish young adults ages 18-32, who have never before traveled to the Jewish State on an organized tour.  Program founders believe it is every Jewish person’s birthright to visit Israel. We know participants return home with a greater appreciation of their Jewishness and a stronger sense of connection to the Jewish people and their communities.


Today, Birthright Israel is the largest educational tourism organization in the world that has given over 750,000 journeys to the magical state of Israel.





Honeymoon Israel’s mission is to provide immersive trips to Israel for locally based cohorts of couples that have at least one Jewish partner, early in their committed relationship, creating communities of couples who are building families with deep and meaningful connections to Jewish life and the Jewish people​.


Their goal is to make young couples of all backgrounds feel welcome in the Jewish community and to inspire them to incorporate Jewish values and traditions into their lives in their own way. 


Honeymoon Israel is supported by funders throughout the Jewish community who share our goal of welcoming and building community for diverse Jewish families.




Jewish Community Federation of Richmond's Mission


No matter how many times you’ve been to Israel, you’ll experience something new on this mission. A mission is a trip with a purpose. You won’t just see Israel’s sites, you’ll get to know Israel on a deeper level. You’ll see firsthand the impact of the Federation’s work abroad and meet the people whose lives have been touched by your dollars. You will gain exclusive access to the people, places and experiences that other tourists cannot. 


Interfaith Trip


Interfaith trips to Israel are designed to develop a better understanding of our cultures and forge relationships that can benefit our local and global community.


Under every stone lie thousands of years of rich religious history shaped by the Holy Land’s connection to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. For millennia, spiritual seekers of all faiths have traveled to Israel to explore the presence of the sacred, the meaning of life, and their own place in the universe. Join us on a joyful and meaningful journey to understand the shared wisdom of these religions and other forms of spirituality, and how they can inspire your own spiritual journey.


Clergy participation is this program is supported by The Captain James M. Klaus Inter-Group Outreach Fund of the Richmond Jewish Foundation


Travel to Other Countries


Experience exciting adventures and cultural discoveries while traveling to see other Jewish communities across the globe on a mission with the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond. Past experiences include Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine.




Travel with the JDC


Open a window to your global Jewish community. JDC events and trips offer a rare window into corners of the global Jewish community that often go unseen, and an opportunity to witness firsthand the life-changing impact JDC makes every day.