CEO May 2017 Update

Take the Survey!

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond is the central fundraising, community planning, leadership development, and outreach arm of the Jewish Community.  Its goal is to help address the needs of the Jewish community and build a vibrant and enduring Jewish future not only in Richmond, but also in Israel and around the world.     

JCFR has an enviable track record of conducting Jewish community studies, especially given the relatively small size of the community.  The first such study involving primary research was conducted in 1983; this was followed by a similarly designed study in 1994, which, in turn, was updated in 2011. JCFR and Richmond Jewish Foundation leadership are now sponsoring a new community study to deepen their understanding of the Jewish community.  We are working with the Melior Group, a market research firm out of Philadelphia, to develop actionable insights about community needs, wants, interests and values that will support leadership decisions and strategy formation.

This research effort will:

• Deepen understanding of the needs, interests, and behaviors of the Richmond Jewish community 

• Describe demographic and attitudinal makeup of community

• Assess the Jewish community’s connection to JCFR & RJF

• Describe the philanthropic mindset of the community and how JCFR & RJF fit within it and

• Provide insight into the future direction of the community

We are asking members of the community to “Help us Navigate the Future of Richmond’s Jewish Community” by taking the survey.  The survey can be reached at For the next few weeks, you can go to the website to learn more about this important project and share contact information in order to be a respondent when the survey is ready.  The survey will go live after May 3, and you will be able to share your opinions and insights about the community.  

So, play a key role in the growth and success of our community. Take the survey by visiting

As always, let me hear from you about this column or other things of importance at (804) 545-8622,


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