We Must Be Vigilant in Protecting Israel
In the coming weeks, we will have more information on our website, in the e-news and Reflector, regarding the Iran Accord and the responses. We plan to have a JCRC Community Forum and details will be shared with the community. We will be vigilant in protecting Israel and making our community aware of the ramifications of the Iran Accord. (See article on page 1 of the Reflector.)
As you will read below right on this page in the Reflector, Doni Fogel has joined the Federation staff as director of JCRC and Israel & Overseas. Doni is helping us respond to the Iran Accord and will involve us in many of the community relations issues. We wish him much success in these endeavors and playing a major role on the JCFR staff.
On a personal note, many of you know I had surgery on my shoulder over a month ago. People have been very kind. Contributions were made to the JCFR in honor of my recovery. Rabbi Beifield called to speak to me and the Caring Committee at Beth Ahabah wrote a special note, and Rabbi Royi Shaffin came to my office to offer a prayer for my recovery.
Most importantly, the morning after surgery, someone stopped by my hospital room. It was a pleasure to see the smiling face of Rabbi Dovid Asher. Rabbi Asher has an agreement to be a religious provider on the staff at Bon Secours and as a result, he makes rounds at St. Mary’s Hospital. I was fortunate to be his early morning visit. I can’t tell you how important it is to have a community Rabbi visit you in the hospital and to receive the prayer for complete recovery. We are blessed to have Rabbi Asher as one of our community rabbis and I thank him for his service to those who need TLC in the hospital.
We hope for a refuah shlema, not only for those of us who are not well, but also for our family in Israel, who is now facing some incredible challenges. May we go from strength to strength in repairing ourselves and our troubled world.
As always, I welcome comments and feel free to email me at sasher@jewishrichmond.org.
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