Join us for our Network JCFR Purim Social!
How will I join the virtual event?
You'll log into zoom! We'll send the link to you once you register.
Kahoot! You can download the app ahead of time. Scott Rogowsky, American comedian and television personality who is the former host of HQ Trivia.
What beers are included in the kit?
A Richmond Lager, Raspberry Stout, Baltic Sunrise, and Great Return IPA from Hardywood. For any questions about the beers, please view information on the Hardywood web site (https://hardywood.com/) or contact ABraun@JewishRichmond.org .
How will the Hardywood delivery work?People who choose a RSVP + Beer Ticket will be able to have the kit delivered directly to them on February 22nd between 5 pm - 8 pm if you are within 25 miles of the Hardywood Ownby location (2410 Ownby Lane, Richmond, VA 23220). A person over the age of 21 will need to be present to receive the kit (it does not need to be the person who's name is on the ticket).
I want a beer ticket, but I live too far/can't be home at that time. Can I still get my beer?Yes! You can pick up the kit from the Hardywood West Creek location beginning on February 16th once you've already purchased a ticket.
Can my non-Jewish partner/spouse/friend/roommate join?
Totally! We can't wait to meet them!
What is Network JCFR?
Network JCFR is your young professional Jewish social group (ages 22-45) in RVA! We are part of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond serving the entire Jewish community of the greater Richmond area.
Can I make a contribution to the Annual Campaign?Absolutely! Either through the portal here or contact Amanda Braun (ABraun@JewishRichmond.org or
I have more questions
We have more answers! Contact ABraun@JewishRichmond.org.