Applications are now open for the Community Leadership Institute (CLI) Program!
What is the Community Leadership Institute (CLI) program?
This program will explore the structure of Jewish Richmond, create networking opportunities for young professionals, and provide elite professional development opportunities for participants. Those in the cohort will be invited to take on leadership roles within Jewish Richmond and the greater Richmond community.
What will the program consist of?
To see a sample syllabus, please click here. Please note that the syllabus is subject to change due to scheduling and speaker availability.
Who should apply to this program?
This program is open to all young professionals between the ages of 22-45. Participants should be invested in their professional development and future leadership.
Is there a cost to the program?
There is no cost to participate in the program. The program is made possible through the efforts of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond and a grant through the Richmond Jewish Foundation.
When will I hear back about my application?
Please expect to receive decisions in May. You may be contacted earlier for clarification or details regarding your application.
When will the Program begin?
The program will begin July 2021 and proceed monthly throughout a year into 2022.
I have additional questions.
Please contact Amanda Braun, ABraun@JewishRichmond.org.